Friday, March 13, 2009

life in MY neck of the woods :)

so life is my neck of the woods right now, is both new, challenging and exciting. Im just so excited about the ways that God has been speaking to me and the things he has been sharing with me. I LOVE the fact that I work at a job right now where I actually get to take a break throughout the day. I get to leave the center for 30 whole minutes!! its amazing, in comparison to the 0 minutes I was getting at SIEDA :) so during these breaks, I have been going to get some food and then coming back and sitting in my car to read a book, do some homework, whatever I want to do. And its been sooo nice. I have been getting in some time with God each day, which is something, to be honest, that I had been lacking in ALOT. But now, I get to spend more time with him. QUALITY time. and he has been speaking to me and meeting me. I feel like over the past week, I have had a "church service" in that 2004 chevy cavalier, almost every day. and I have been trying this new thing too. Each morning before I go in to work and each time I am getting ready to go back in after my break, I pray that God will use me to bless my coworkers today. That somehow, they will see "Jesus" in me and that they will be blessed by the fact that I am working there.

This being said...there have been some frustrations of the week as well. How many of you over the past 5 years could say that you have worked in at least 4 daycares or preschools during that time? I can :) Because its something that I can do well and I have experience at it :) but if you have worked in a daycare, then you know what it can be like sometimes :) mostly, you are working with a lot of other women. Its usually a HIGH STRESS day and when its over, you are ready to leave. Somedays, you swear that you will NEVER have kids of your own and IF by some miracle, you do change your mind and decide to have kids, you KNOW that they will never be as hard to deal with as some of those children can be at times.

I love taking care of kids, it is something that I have just always enjoyed. Even when I was a kid myself, I was the "helper" in the classroom, showing kids where their lockers were or where to sit in the room. I love helping people. BUT....I HATE the drama!!! as I sat in the previous paragraph, most of the time, you work with ALL women, and being a woman myself, I know how much drama we can cause when we all get together. Now, at this daycare, there is actually a Male director and a Male Assistant Director as well. But...we still have drama!!! I just wish sometimes that "we could all just get along". I mean, we are there for the kids and yet I dont know how many times I have watched a child lying in their bed crying while 2 coworkers "discuss" whos turn it is to go on a break. or "how mad they are that "she" didnt do this right". Having 2 males there is nice for me, because I know there are at least 2 others who wont get caught in the drama. Now, I cant be totally sure that they NEVER will, but they are guys, so the chances are not as likely. Its just hard sometimes to keep a good attitude when you are around so many "negative nancys". THUS, the prayers every morning before work and every time I come in after my break. I dont want be a part of the gossip. I dont want anyone to be hurt by what I say or afraid to come and talk to me. I want them to see Christs love in ALL that I do.

the other things that have been going on are the passions and desires that God has made so strong on my heart right now. I want to share more about that in my NEXT blog, but I will just say that he is doing some great things and I am SO EXCITED for that!!!!

well, thats it for now. talk to you all again soon

In Christs Love


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