Thursday, March 22, 2012

A 30 Day Challenge from one of my besties!

Meggan Schwirtz is one of the best friends I have ever had in my life. I wrote a blog about her a while back, you can refer back if you would like :) But Meggan has a blog of her own, much better and more frequently followed than mine. Meggan issued a challenge on her blog and I have decided that Im going to do it. She had a list of 30 things for 30 days that we are supposed to share. So for the next 30 days, these are the blogs you will be reading. Todays blog is to share 20 random things about myself, so here we go:

1- I LOVE Chocolate and find it very hard to live without it, I have fasted it several times in my life, in fact I am in the middle of a fast of chocolate right now and let me tell you, IT IS NOT EASY, But my God is worth it :0)

2- I have always wanted to have a big brother. I have a baby brother and I wouldnt trade him for the world, but I have always wondered what it would have been like to have a big brother. NOT a sister, I am enough drama for my family, I couldnt subject them to more :)

3- I LOVE High School Musical. I own all 3 movies, and I own all of the soundtracks. I even own a High School Musical Sing It Game for PS2. I dont really know why I love it so much, I just do.

4- I love acting. I was in my 1st musical when I was 8 years old. Annie- which by the way, I didnt get the part because I was too short :( I have been in plays most of my life. From 8 years old all the way through high school, when I became a young adult, the opportunities grew fewer and it has been about 10 years now since I have been in a play and I MISS IT! I love becoming a different person and playing the role with all of my heart. I even was awarded "Best Actress in a Supporting Role" for playing an insane woman my Junior Year of highschool!

5- I LOVE CANDY! Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, Blow Pops, Pixi Sticks, you name it and unless its black licorice, I probably love it in the candy variety!

6- I have written a lot of music about different things in my life AND I even think alot of it is pretty good, but I am just too scared to share it and find out.

7- When I was a little girl, every afternoon my dad would take me to the candy store for "Red Candy" or licorice. To this day, when I eat it, it is like a trip down memory lane and a special memory my dad and I have together.

8- I HATE BEING ALONE! I lived alone for a little while a couple times and I HATED IT! I just would rather have someone around me. I am not saying I dont ever need time to myself, but at the end of the day, I like having a house I can come home to where someone is waiting for me to arrive.

9- I LOVE MUSICALS! I have several favorites, Les Miserables, when I was 14 years old, I sang a solo from this musical in a choir concert. I was made fun of ALOT during those years, but when I got up and sang, NOONE made fun of me, God had given me a gift to use, and when the concert was over, many people looked at me differently than ever before, because of that gift. I LOVE the power of the voice and of musicals! Annie, The Music Man, these are just a few of my faves!

10- I would rather sing than talk sometimes. There are many times in life that I sing as often as I can. This is VERY WONDERFUL for a preschool teacher, because the KIDS love it!

11- I have never been kissed in my life and I have never been on a real date. I have also never been to a dance or been given flowers. It may sound very depressing and at times it is, but most of the time, I just get SUPER EXCITED, knowing the my future husband and I will get to share these moments together and they will all be firsts for me!!

12- I have several best friends in my life and I couldnt live without any of them. Shannon is the one I can share anything with and we can talk for HOURS together! She is truly the sister I never had. Meggan and I can share a laugh together anytime. and shes the one who even when I havent seen her forever or talked to her, when we do, we pick right back up where we left off as if time hasnt passed at all. Melissa is someone who I can lean on and I am someone who she can lean on as well. We are there for each other through alot of times in life. Trista is someone who identifies with me on a lot of levels. She is someone who has gone through many of the things I have gone through and loves me for who I am. Her family is my family and Im greatful for that. Jalisa is my late night camp buddy! Shes the one who can stay up til 4 or 5 in the morning talking to me. We can joke and we can get very serious too. Having these 5 women in my life is one of the GREATEST things in the world!

13- I am ashamed to admit this, but I am 30 years old and I have never voted in an election. NOT because I couldnt, but because I CHOSE not to. I didnt inform myself or choose to see the need for politics. I realize it now and am proud to say I am a REPUBLICAN who will be voting for Rick Santorum in the upcoming election!

14- I used to HATE cooking. I am learning to LOVE it now. I have made so many meals lately and one of my favorite things to do is to make my own recipes! I am so excited to one day be married and make meals for my husband and children!

15- I HATE Spaghetti but I love Spaghetti-Os. Its really weird I know :)

16- I LOVE THE DISNEY CHANNEL! Plain and simple, I am a 13 year old trapped inside a 30 year olds body :) I love candy, I love the Disney Channel, I have seen all the Twilight movies and most of the Harry Potter Movies. I have facebook and twitter. I LOVE boybands :) I drink juice boxes and kool aid. I eat fruit snacks and fruit roll ups.

17- I sang in public for the first time when I was 16 months old at a Christmas pagent for church. I HAVE LOVED AN AUDIENCE ever since. When I was little I used to stand in the grocery cart and sing "Jesus Loves Me" and other church songs for all the store to hear. and at Mc Donalds, the table became my stage :)

18- I am a HOPELESS ROMANTIC! I love chick flicks, I dream of my future wedding, my future husband and future family regularly.

19- I am addicted to TV. I have many shows that I LOVE! The Office, Community, How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, One Tree Hill, Modern Family, Suburgatory, GLEE, Parenthood, and SO MANY MORE!

20- I love roadtrips, but I HATE travelling alone!

Im an open book, you want to know more, just ask me!!!

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