Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friends are Friends Forever....right???

I LOVE my new job!!! I just have to tell you that right now. I started here in October, and I will be the first to admit to you, it is not been all candy and roses, there have been some big ups and downs. I had to make a big choice in moving to Sumner. To move away from my hometown, where I have lived all of my life. To leave my daddy, living all alone, while my mom recovers in a rehabilition care center. To leave my mom and drive further away from her, making it impossible for me to visit her often. Alot of sacrifice. To coming here, where, while I knew people from visiting this church before, I had no real ties of friendship, that I knew I had people I could fully trust to share my life with. To living in an apartment, alone, with no family and no roomates, which I have never done before, and to be honest, I HATE! I love having people around me, Im actually one of those people who doesnt like much time of silence or aloneness, oh I need it sometimes, but I dont really thrive on it. To meeting and getting to know 30-40 new youth and what makes them tick and what ministry works best for them. And finally, getting to know my God, which to be honest, I dont even feel like I have known that well until now.

Alot of hard and rough times, all of which, have brought me down on my face before God and all of which I wouldnt trade for the World, because it has brought me to a place before God, in which I have never been before. Wow, what a back story to the actualy blog of today :) I said, I LOVE my new job! I love the high school girls that I get to minister to and the fun we have and also the deep conversations we have. I love the high school guys we have, and the fact that somehow, God has wired me in such a way, that I am able to have good ministry with guys as well as girls. I enjoy learning about new xbox games, watching wrestling, as in the high school sport, which is actually a very enjoyable sport for me to watch right now, never thought id say that, I love watching and hearing about their basketball games. and talking sports with them, lets be honest, I know next to nothing about sports, as any of you who know me at all would know well, but I have a confession, Im starting to like sports! I LOVE watching football. I am starting to like baseball...weird, I know. and EVEN Basketball, which to those of you who were in college with me, I mean the sport, not just the guys anymore :) And I love my ministry with the middle schoolers. The middle school boys make me laugh so much, oh they can be crazy and hyper and times, im not a saint, sometimes they can even try my patience :O), but I LOVE their craziness! and my middle school girls, right now, this might be my favorite part of the ministry, which to be honest with you, is not typical of me at all. I have always LOVED high school ministry, thrived on it. and I still have that here, but wow, my middle school girls, they are amazing!!!

We have a middle school girls Bible Study on Tuesday Nights, and we are talking about Friendship now. I am loving preparing lessons for the different groups I teach now, first of all, because I do love teaching, and second, because I also learn from what I am teaching. I feel like some of my best lessons come out of what I have already learned or am learning right now. So, friendship. I have been thinking about it all week, what does it mean to be a friend? Who are my closest friends? How important is friendship in my life? How important is it to God? So, I wanted to jot down some of my thoughts about it.

I asked alot of my friends these same questions and will be using their responses throughout this series of lessons we are doing. The 2 most common answers I got were these, a true friend is someone who I can fully be myself around and I dont have to be anything but myself. and the other was, a true friend is someone who, even if you dont talk to or see each other every day, is there and you can pick up with them right where you left off, as if no time has passed at all. I want to share with you, some of my closest friends and why they are people in treasure in my life. DISCLAIMER: If your name does not show up, please know that you are still important to me, I just dont think anyone would read a 5000 page blog for me to write all of that, as this is already a very long blog. :) so, you will have to join in to part 2, where I share with you, some of my closest friends and my thoughts on friendship.

Love you all.


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