Saturday, June 27, 2009

But what if I fall?

Working at a daycare, I feel like I learn new lessons every day. Kids are people in this world that are just trying to figure it all out. The say things innocently without understanding its full meaning. The play and have fun with kids, and they dont care about color, size, anything, just that they are all friends caring for one another. Sometimes, as they are figuring life out, I see myself in them. I see things that they do and wonder if that is how I figured it all out. and sometimes, I look at them and parallel to my life.

For example, yesterday, there was a little boy that was standing at the top of the firemans pole on the playground. He wanted so badly to slide down it and enjoy the fun, but he was scared, he looked at me and said, " But Becky, what if I fall?" I looked at him and said, show me Evan, show me you can do it and I will be here to help if you need. He didnt need me, in fact, he LOVED the feeling of taking that step. I wonder if this is how life is for me right now. I am so scared in life and while i want freedom and im tired of being scared, I keep saying, " But, God, what if I fall?" and I hear his still small voice saying, 'Becky, you can do it, and if you need me, I will be here', further more I hear him saying, ' there is great blessing I have for you, if you will just take the steps of faith and not worry about falling'.

so, this is what I have done this week, with much prayer and God by my side, I have taken some HUGE steps of faith and there are still more to be taken. I cant wait to see what he continues to do as I trust him and serve him.

But the challenge, as it was for me, is, are you scared of falling? Is that what is keeping you from blessing from God. You keep asking, " but what if I fall?" God is right there, to catch you, to help you, to love you....he is there and he wants to bless you.

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