Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sprite and Banana Nut Cheerios

Okay, so today was my 3rd day at my new job. I love it there. It is so much fun actually. and I didnt realize how much stress I had in my life, until it is gone. I am feeling that working here is allowing me to do better in ministry and helping me to get closer to God and helping me to become a healthier person as well. IT IS AWESOME!!! I am so thankful to God right now.
Before work, I got to sleep in a little bit and leisurely enjoy the morning, as I didnt have to be there until 10 am :) Let me back up a second, last night, my brother and I went grocery shopping for the apartment we rent together. It was the first time in a very long time, so it was a big trip. While we were getting the essential cereal for our house, I found it in the isle, it was like it was glowing, calling my name, Banana Nut Cheerios. I am really into organic and healthy eating right now and they are 100% Natural!!! So this morning as I woke up, I thought about how I would enjoy this cereal and decided to put some in a baggie to take in my car to eat on my break at work. and it was amazing!! I went and got a sprite and enjoyed my snack, it was DELICIOUS!!! One of the best snacks I have had in a long time.
As I sat in my car, I thought about all that the past few weeks had brought me. And I realized that just as I had been missing out on this snack, I, in a sense, was missing out on life. I was so focused on work and always stressing out, I had no time for myself and no time for my savior, AND the worse part is that I didnt even realize it.
Im so thankful that as we are willing to follow God, he brings the right things at the right times for us.
This week has been INCREDIBLE. Im happy, relaxed and enjoying life again!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha- I can see this moment in Wal-Mart for some reason. Glad to hear the new job is awesome!!! Miss you!!
